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Youth Advocacy and Voter Education 

Through our collective voices, we shall amplify the call for change, nurturing a society that values the dignity and well-being of all its members.


We believe that true political power and voter engagement require more than just temporary programs. We believe in building lasting programs, fostering voter education, and engaging with youth continuously, even during off-election years. Our programs prioritize educating pre-registration age youth, 16-17, and youth voting age, 18-25. Simply put: we work to build lifelong voters through education and empowerment. 


Voter Education Session 

Session: Politics 101 - Building Black Political Power

Overview: During this session, students will learn about the history of American politics, key Black leaders and players, and why it is important to vote. The goal of this session is to encourage interest in the electoral process and express the importance of becoming a lifelong voter. 


*Every session includes non-partisan voter registration. 


Legacy Academy: Youth Advocacy and Civic Engagement Program - NOW REGISTERING FOR FALL 2023 

This 15-week program aims to empower and equip the next generation of Black leaders with the necessary knowledge, skills, and tools to create meaningful change within their communities and beyond.


Throughout the program, participants will engage in a dynamic curriculum that covers various aspects of politics, social justice, and effective advocacy strategies. They will gain a deep understanding of the political system, including how policies are shaped and how to engage with elected officials to influence decision-making processes.


The curriculum integrates both theoretical knowledge and practical skills through interactive workshops, guest lectures from accomplished activists and politicians, and hands-on projects. Participants will learn the art of public speaking, grassroots organizing, community outreach, and how to effectively utilize various media platforms for advocacy purposes. They will also explore the importance of intersectionality, understanding the interconnectedness of race, gender, class, and other factors that shape social dynamics.





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